6983662481 Loxis Falaggos 48, Thiva nikterzisgr@gmail.com
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Structural design - Static studies - Building static adequacy studies 
Nikolaos Terzis Technical Office - Civil Engineer - Studies - Supervision - Renovations - Constructions - Thebes


The static study is done independently of the other studies of the building with the aim of accurate and safe construction of the building’s load – bearing structure. This study includes the design and dimensioning of the load – bearing structure, the preparation of technical and financial studies (materials and cost calculation), the drawing up of plans required for the construction of the building’s load – bearing structure (metal or reinforced concrete), the issue of calculations.
The above study is carried out using modern software, taking into account the applicable regulations: Eurocode 1, Greek Anti-Seismic Regulation and Eurocode 8, Greek Reinforced Concrete Regulation – ECOS and Eurocode 2, Eurocode 3 for metal structures, Eurocode 4 for composites, Eurocode 6 for masonry.

Stages of a structural design and study:
1. Preliminary study, where the initial dimensioning of the building’s load – bearing structure is done and the architectural solutions are proposed, so that you can decide the form of the project.
2. The main study, where we design the shell of the building and calculate the cost.
3. Detailed design (application study) , with which we calculate and plan with precision and in detail the load-bearing structure of the building and all the necessary technical instructions are given for the completion of the project.




Static Adequacy Study

The purpose of such a study is to diagnose the suitability of the building as well as whether the current condition of the building is able to "withstand" the addition of new floors or the alternation of building’s use. Also, this particular procedure is done mainly to identify possible inadequacies of the building, either due to the intense earthquake activity in our country or due to wear and tear over the years.
This specific study is carried out by engineers, who, following an autopsy on the building, several performing tests and sampling from the structural elements of the building, examine the durability of the structural materials and whether they have been worn down and strained. Also, the engineer, through the study, defines the interventions and reinforcements that the construction probably needs in order to be safe.
The static adequacy study is important to be conducted in old buildings purely for safety reasons, given the intense earthquake activity in our country.
However, there are also cases where the static adequacy study is mandatory according to the law. In particular, some arbitrary construction that has been declared and subjected to the provisions of  Law 4495/2017, must have its own static adequacy study, in order for the results of the legalization to be completely valid, based on article 99 section h' of law 4495/2017.

Our office undertakes non-destructive testing and preparation of static studies for:"
• Reinforced concrete constructions 
• Steel constructions 
• Special constructions (foundations, tanks, etc.)
• Static adequacy studies 
• Studies for the reinforcement of existing structures

We have modern software and equipment for the preparation of studies:
• Equipment: Scanning of reinforced concrete with PROFOMETER PM8000 by PROCEQ".